Sunday Soft Music

Wow, I just noticed I haven’t posted since thursday! This has been such a hectic time in my life…

I am going to have to go back to work and get some rest at the office…lol

I hate to admit it but I guess it’s ok to be 39 (hehehe) and have a grandchild…

I’ll start with the first topic of the week… we have the horse farm up for sale, yes, I am moving to town after all these years! I am not going to have a yard I am going to pour green concrete! Farming? Just say NO!

It has been a wonderful life out here and a great place to grow my kids but they are all of age now so it’s time for me…YEA! Anyway, it’s open house this week, the realtor’s going to show off the house, and we have had to do a list of chores a mile long.

Funny, I have always wanted everything just the way it is — now! It’s ok, though I am ready for a new adventure, with adventure comes change and with a positive atitude, just letting go and seeing where life wants to take you next is exciting to me!

The second major thing this week is the Baby Jacob was born Friday, May 15, 2:04 pm. He was 7 [ounds 9 ounces, 21.5 inches long, full head of black hair and bright blue eyes… Most babies kinda look funky when they are born but he looks like he had a haircut and a manicure before he could come into the world. If I could figure out how to get the pics off my phone I would post it for you… I’ll ask one of the kids… lol (and I’m the programmer lol – cell phones gotta love ’em!!!)

I know, I forgot the camera! I got the “She’s going to start pushing” call on the phone on Friday, I hung up and blasted off to the hospital (which is a 1 hour drive from the office) and we showed up just in time to hear the “It’s a healthy Baby Boy” announcement. Baby Jacob is so adorable! I really don’t like holding small babies but he is so cute and irrisistable! I guess I am just a happy Grandpa!

Well, I have to go get ready to get out of here – have a great Sunday and enjoy the music! I couldn’t chose between these two, so you will have to listen and see which you like best, Santana is just so good but so is Whiteheart!…
But it is Sunday so…

Have a great Sunday!

PS: This weeks Top Sites Tuesday Theme is : TWO THINGS ON TUESDAY! So get your posts ready! It’s an easy one!

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4 thoughts on “Sunday Soft Music”

  1. Ooohhh, your week(s) been MUCh worse than mine, Wolf! Wish you all the best on your viewing and even more in your new place…quite a change, huh? But I know what you mean about having things the way you always wanted them…NOW. LOL! Think I’d still rather move house than rearrange furniture…hahahaha. Jacob…a lovely name for your new grandson. Much joy to you and yours…Jacob is a lucky little fellow.

    P.S. Love the Sunday music…takes me back a few! Hehehehe….

  2. Great songs, I can’t decide which one I like best, must run in the family! 😆 Congrats on being a Grandpa! I like being a Grandma so much that I wish I had done it first! 😆 I can’t wait to see the pictures so send me some! Now I am an Auntie Granny again, Oh my, I am not old enough for this! You are older than I am so I know you are not 39. I am! 😉

    Love You my dear little brother,

  3. Congratulations, Grandpa! I’m a few years older than you and suspect grandparenthood is in the not too distant future for me too. Hard to believe though. I still feel like a kid myself half the time.

  4. Hey, Wolf…when I listened to the Sunday music today, said the Santana took me back a few. It sounded a tune on an album (yes…album! LOLOL) I bought when I lived in Italy. I knew it wasn’t the same tune but…too familiar. It’s driven me nuts all day (thanks!!!). Wasn’t until around 9pm, out of nowhere came the artiste’s name…Fausto Papetti, saxophonist. The year was ’72, I think. Finally, a few minutes ago I found THE tune…”Samba Pa Ti” and, whaddaya know…two versions…Papetti’s AND Santana’s. COOL! Despite driving me mad…Thanks for the opportunity to go on a “time travel” backwards!

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