Blog Directory Thumbshots.

Featured blogs thumb shots are now working.
There was a glitch in the program that we had to fix.
Now when you dump your blog in the directory and you want to be featured it will show in the random featured blog on the directory page. Your blog will also show a thumb shot of your blog in the category you have chosen.

Coming Soon… The featured blogs will be on the main page of BlogDumps.
If you have your blog featured it will be announced here on the blog.
This will give you a back link from a page rank of three on the blog and a page rank of 4 from the main page of BlogDumps.

Whether you use the free blog submission or become featured, BlogDumps will help you gain readers to your blog.

We are continuing to work on making BlogDumps one of the best Blog Directories on the web.

We have been promoting blogs for 7 years and plan to be here for a very long time.