Tag Archives: upgrade wordpress

A Word to the Wise

I hate Hackers.

I LOVE my Server techs!

We run quite a few blogs, so I guess that we run a higher than average chance of ONE of our blogs being hacked. Turns out they always have to hack something I’m playing with! I suppose if you think about it in one way, getting hacked is a good thing- we know how to recover and recover FAST! Our Techs caught it and were repairing the security breech as we discovered the issue.

That being said, today was back-up, upgrade, and upgrade and back-up again day here at BlogDumps. We upgraded to WordPress 2.7 on all our managed blogs… BlogDumps Bloggers will experience another upgrade to their back offices in the very near future in addition to the extra themes I’ve been promising.

If you are a Blogger that Happens to be running an older version of WordPress -UPGRADE UPGRADE UPGRADE

If you like to use free themes for your WordPress Blog, beware of encoded footers! That’s how our lovely hacker got in, an open door was encoded in the footer!

I don’t mind the new “Coltrane” edition of WordPress. It obviously will take some getting used to, but it is more manageable. (Just not as colorful – unless I haven’t found that button yet)

Well, it’s Friday night, I’m tired and at a stopping point for the day, Hope you all have a great evening, see you at the Saturday Night Dump!


PS: Sorry, but Dollies here to stay…. Long Story
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