Tag Archives: blizzard

Friday on BlogDumps


The winter storm has hit the Delmarva Peninsula and we are under a Blizzard warning! It’s awesome! Looking out the window I think this is what is called a complete white-out!

We got prepared for the worst. We went food shopping yesterday and filled all the fuel tank in the vehicles, tractor, and heat tanks today. We are ready for the power outages that are sure to happen around here, we’ll have heat and something to cook food on.

Yesterday at Walmart, I was laughing at what many people got for emergency food… microwave meals. Umm, HELLO!! If the power goes out you don’t get a microwave… I was amazed that there was no milk, no eggs, and no bread, the line to the deli was amazingly long, and the bakery was empty. The cashier said it was busier than Black Friday!

Today at the local hardware store I had to laugh – everyone walking out had a brand new snow shovel or two. Great move on their part ordering 500 of them – they were almost sold out by noon.

I’m not sure if I’ll have internet tomorrow, but if I do, See you tomorrow night at the dump!
