BlogDumps News, Happy Veterans Day!

To all that have served and are serving our country Happy Veterans day!
I hope you all watch this video and I pray it never happens again to our boys and men that serve our great country. We are proud of all of you and thank you for your service.

Thanks everyone for participating in Top Sites Tuesday. I have been busy getting ready to leave on our Sailboat trip to Florida. So far all is well and I think we will deliver her in one piece, Well except the piece Trina broke yesterday… LOL It was minor, just part of the mainsail!

So this is the reason for me leaving the Top Sites Tuesday posts up for so long but I hope it is bringing you new readers to your blog.

All is well here on BlogDumps everything is running smooth as usual except we have lost some of our BlogDumps Front page sponsors (If you can make sure to check them out) our rank and traffic have been as good or better so I am not sure why… Maybe a few new changes to the front page and hope that brings in a few new ones. So Far we are in the red for the last few months but I am hoping things get better. I will be working on the front page since we have time to do so other than sailing down the coast.

If you would like to follow us as we travel I will be posting on I can’t promise I will post everyday but I am going to try. It is easier than keeping a log book for sure.

Have a great Friday

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