Twin Towers 911 Never Forget

I was watching television and they had a poll going on…”Do we ‘over do’ the memorials or should we move on?”

Leave it to CNN to ask such a question! But here is the kicker some of the people interviewed said it’s time for these people to move on!

Move on my ass, 911 was a horrible day for all Americans. These were our own and we all felt the pain on that horrific day!

Not to jump on a soap box this morning but it just bothered me that some people are so quick to say, I’ve seen and heard enough “these people” need to move on. What do they mean “these people”. The ones who say this, have they disengaged themselves from the rest of us. Maybe they have just not felt the pain of loosing someone, I don’t know.

Never Forget
Twin Towers...911


PS. I wrote this on Wrongblog and thought it was worth posting here. Have a good day.

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One thought on “Twin Towers 911 Never Forget”

  1. All the resistance to the construction of the Islamic Center and its mosque in the vicinity of Ground Zero is idiotic. The center isn’t being constructed by extremists, it’s being established by peace-loving Moslems who love America.

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