Tag Archives: stupid questions

Saturday Funnies

Ok, so I was wrong – This is what a white-out looks like!

As we are already stir crazy around here, I thought I would share a bit of the insanity:

What did one ocean say to the other ocean?
Nothing, they just waved.

Why does a milking stool have only 3 legs?
Because the cow has the utter.

What did one cannibal say to the other while they were eating a clown?
Does this taste funny to you?

What do you call a cow with no legs?
Ground beef

Did you hear about the two fat men who ran in the New York Marathon?
One ran in short bursts, the other in burst shorts!

How does an idiot call for his dog?
He puts two fingers in his mouth and then shouts Rover.

When you leave school, you should become a bone specialist.
You’ve certainly got the head for it.

How are a chicken and a grape alike?
They are both purple… except for the chicken.

Why do bees hum?
Because they don’t know the words!

A horse enters a bar and walks over to the bartender, the bartender looks at the horse and says, hey buddy, why the long face?

A horse walks into a bar. The bar tender says “Hey.”
The horse says “Sure.”

What’s the difference between a tennis ball and the prince of Wale’s?
One is heir to the throne and the other is thrown into the air.

How do crazy people go through the forest?
They take the psycho path.

How do you get holy water?
Boil the hell out of it.

Have a great Saturday Everyone!!