Tag Archives: Contributor

Become A Guest Blogger and post on BlogDumps!

Hey all I hope you have had a great week and I wish you the best weekend 🙂

We had a great week this week, we took a few days off and really didn’t do anything we just kind of hung out cleaned up the warehouse and made things look a little nicer around the front of the place. Most would call that work but Sleeping in and just cleaning up after the last couple of months of madness running around trying to get things done it felt like a vacation. I can say we could not have picked a better time it has been really hot here on the Eastern Shore and humid, YUCK! The pool has been getting it fair share of use… LOL

There have been a lot of you that have created a new blog and I haven’t approved some of you yet but I will be on the computer all day tomorrow I have a ton of things to get caught up on so please be patient with me.
I will have you all up and running in no time I just need to weed out the robots.

I am going to try something I have never done before here and I want to open up BlogDumps to guest bloggers to post whatever is on their mind so while I am on the computer I am going to open registrations to BlogDumps Blog and you will be able to be a contributor. You may have links in your post but please use the links as a resource, not to sell anything, you may sign your post and leave a link to your own blog as the contributor.

Now the question is which day will we do this? I think I would like to replace the Saturday funnies with the guest post and would like it to be ready to publish on Saturday morning. I know this may take some time but it would be really cool to get some insight from other bloggers about what they think about blogging how it has changed their life. Do you think blogging will be replaced by the latest social media sites or is blogging here to stay? There are so many things that could be discussed here in our community of bloggers. So I hope you all stop by tomorrow and check it out I will leave registrations open only for a short time (spammers will find the registration) so make sure to register even if you do not think you will post right away this way when I close the registrations you will be registered if you decide to voice your opinion on an issue. I will not edit your post except for grammar if I see a mistake other than that it’s all you!

If anybody has any questions just download the BlogDumps Instant Messenger and my user name is Wolfbernz I am always on it we use it between all of us here to do our work and transfer files.

So that’s the big news of the week I am going to leave this up until Monday so everyone gets a chance to read this.

For those who want to be prepared, this weeks Top Sites Tuesday theme is “Two Thoughts On Tuesday” I am going to post the theme earlier than I have been so it is easier to be ready and give everyone more time.

I do have one favor to ask. We have a lot of new front page sponsors I do not get paid per click on them but it would be nice if you all would check them out and see what their web site is all about. I would like to send them traffic and keep them happy because they do help pay the expense of the dedicated servers it takes to run BlogDumps.

Have a great weekend, after all it has just become Summer this week 🙂

Have a blog? Submit your blog to BlogDumps here and join the blog directory (opens in a new window)

No blog ? Create your own blog today! I will show you how here (opens in a new window)

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