Now that’s a blog post!


So I get up do my usual things getting ready to go to town I get to the office check my email and run the front page of BlogDumps to make sure all is well around here. I usually have a couple of sites that I have to block for spamming the top blog sites area… no big deal… right!

This morning I do the usual and there are a ton of weird sites from .pl where in the heck is .pl… I am going to have to Google it!

So anyway I thought these guys would never stop… I kept on banning and banning I starting thinking who are these people in .pl land??? I checked out some of the URLs but my goodness they were weird with no content??? So if you found some weird stuff on the front page whoa that was strange wasn’t it! When I grow up I am going to have a spam proof top sites script…LOL

All is well around here, I thought I would just share this with you… Have a great week and thanks to all of you that participated in this weeks Top Sites Tuesday.



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