MyBlogLog Contest Update, Get Featured For Two Weeks!

The contest sure has been a lot of fun.

I know I won’t win, that’s ok, it’s been a blast and I have made some new friends along the way.

To thank you all for joining I am going to put everyones name in a hat and have a drawing. Whoever’s name is pulled from the hat will be featured on the front page of BlogDumps Blog Directory for two weeks, so if you haven’t joined there is only a couple of days left

Here is the link to join BlogDumpsVideo MyBlogLog Community

If you get a chance stop in and join BlogDumps Video. I know you will like it, it has all your favorite features rolled into on site.

Blogdumps video is the free online social networking part of BlogDumps Blog Directory. Create your own page, send and receive mail, add and make new friends! You can upload and embed Photos, Videos, music and much more.

Click on the player below and give the music player a test drive.

Have a Great day


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