It’s the weekend…

Oh my God! I have made some new friends and my weekends will never be the same… I have met a few beautiful women who love to come over and drink wine and hang out at the coffee shop. It has become an event each time we are all together. We have such a good time…and it’s not a bad image to be the one guy amongst three women. It is like having a personal harem. However, this is not all bubbles and fruitcake, but in actuality requires a whole lot of work. Any man with a wife, girlfriend, or female child knows how demanding one woman can be, so just imagine three…and forget about it when they all start talking…that is quite the cacophony! Like a haggle of cackling blackbirds with the occasional snort and wine coming out of someone’s nose.

Anyway, enough about me and my Saturday night. I hope you all are having a great weekend and thanks for stopping by and joining BlogDumps… hold on a second…Becca! You can’t dance on the table! Sorry – I’m back…where was I? Oh, yeah. Thanks again, and tell a friend. Or better yet, dump one and get on the Blogdumps Saturday night blogroll. You can find out more about it by clicking here.

All the Best

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