Is This Monday?

So Anyway We made it back from the Emergency room… nine stitches!

Of course the nurse thought I was weird while I took pictures and video.
Then I explained… We’re bloggers, a moment of silence, “Oh ok?” the nurse says with a perplexed look on her face.

Trina looked like she was hurting bad, then the doctor used an elephant-sized needle to give her Lidocain to numb the area for stitches. I thought about getting close, maybe, you know hold her hand and provide support, then the first growl and @#!$#@$ hit… I stayed glued to my position across the room.

This was after everything was cleaned up, YUCK!
Trina Leg Injury

Here is a short clip after they have her all sewn up, there isn’t any audio,
I shot this with my cell and uploaded it and didn’t use any sound.

Anyway Trina is all fixed up but it’s beany weenys for the family dinner tonight …hehehehe

Have a great week all

PS. A big Thanks to OutSideMyBrain and to Blog.BlogCatalog for the linky love… It’s what it’s all about!

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