Hey,Thanks for all the help!

I am a blogger (no, not a booger Trina!) my site is called Wrongblog. When I first started Wrongblog I was looking for ways to increase my ranking and I used to cruise Linkdumps and I thought what a great idea, a daily link dump for blogs. The regular websites can have their Linkdumps. BlogDumps would be for bloggers only. So, I started BlogDumps at the end of July 2006. A linking site for blogs that would be personal and simple.

So I created this site, but it wouldn’t be any good at all if it wasn’t for all of you joining in and dumping your blog, helping with the link buttons,the homepage header, even the feedback on the Saturday Night Dump.

So Thanks Everyone for all the help! If I can be of any assistance please let me know.

All the Best