Tag Archives: Porsche

Sunday Music On A Great Weekend!

It was a beautiful day on the Eastern Shore this weekend so I pulled out the “Farm Use” vehicle today and took it out for the quarter mile out in front and around the farm lands that surround us. It was a great day to put on some jazzy blues or a little rock’n’roll and just blow the dust off.

There was one cloud that stopped by and tried to scare us with a few rain drops but soon faded away into the sunshine! Thank God! Did you see the look on that clouds face?

Cloud Face

So anyway, What’s that? Oh, The “Farm Use” vehicle… A picture is worth a thousand words! Yes it’s a 1969 Porsche 911 S — all original.

Farm Use
Farm Use...LOL The looks we get!!!

So I put on some music and took it for a spin around the farm and around the block!

I know I am supposed to do Sunday music and I am working up to that This is the first song, I like this band they are one of my favorites. I would ask you to guess but the title shows on the player!

I think Trina likes to sing along with Guns and Roses to this song as we fly home to the farm, see I don’t drive fast I just fly low!!! I hope you all enjoyed this wonderful weekend and have a better week then ever.
