Tag Archives: Monday Music

Monday It’s all good…

What a beautiful day here on the Eastern shore this morning. It might have been a bit cold but it was just one of those walk out the front door of the farm and off to the office and feeling good type of day!

I made it to the office early today and I thought since I didn’t do a Sunday (OK, so I napped and ate pumpkin pie watched the little one and then it was nap time) music I would start of your Monday with some.

I know what a great Idea… Oh stop the applause….. hehehehe

I bet you’re awake now!

Guns And Roses… Knocking on Heaven’s Door

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We have a new member to the BlogDumps community Mike over at what he calls “They Will Say ANYTHING! Politics and Economics Unwound”

I found this on his sidebar…

“I worked almost 25 years directly across the street from the U.S. Capitol at the Congressional Research Service of the Library of Congress. I juggled a whole tool box full of political nuts and bolts as a legislative researcher and analyst. How could this not result in a very healthy love/hate relationship with Congress and politics? After all these years we’re still together, but we each know the other one needs to make some changes . . .”

What a nice blog please stop by and visit Mike, this is a blog worth reading! Make sure to leave a comment after all it is the nice thing to do!

Enjoy your week
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