Get Dumped On Saturday…

I was surfing around google the other day and I noticed a link to Blogdumps so I followed the thread and it took me to a blog by EvaD who is in Madrid, Spain. I had no idea she had participated! She had received my email and jumped right in to participate as did some others…. She wrote in her blog “I chose to dump Nafcom. I found great info about Skype on his blog, and as I’m an avid Skype user it was like finding treasure. I’m off to download the RSS feed reader to Skype!”

Thanks EvaD! She has a site dedicated to health. She talks about Xooma, which is a great product! I know because I take it everyday! Stop by and and show her some love make sure to leave a comment as we all like to receive them!

If you are participating please let me know so I can add you to the blogroll on the BlogDumps main page. If you want more info click the link below “get listed get the code”

Get the Code and Get Listed!

So, Who are you going to Dump?


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One thought on “Get Dumped On Saturday…”

  1. And all this happens when you call it officially and without shame: Crap! 😀
    I am flattered by all the good opinions and reviews.

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