Practical Chic

How very amusing.  Lady, The Practical Chic, has an ongoing set of post that every absolutely must read.  She calls it Guidelines for the Intellectually Challenged.  At first, I though I should pick out my very favorite guideline and post it here, but all the guidelines are practical and funny and realistic.  Some are outright outragous that they even have to be outlines!

Aside for the Guidelines, on post that I find very useful (I printed this for future use LOL) is a post titled “Well…monkey butts…” I think it is a must read for every parent!

Lady has a lovely sence of humor and a beautiful blog!

Welcome to Blogdumps Lady!




3 thoughts on “Practical Chic”

  1. Holy smokes, batman!! I am so honored and just…wow! I don’t know what to say.

    Wolf – technically monkey butt is my DS3 and turkey butt is my DS1 but sometimes when I get a little frustrated I just say well monkey butts… It usually lightens the tension. Almost as funny as when my DS1 finally caught on to the Uranus joke. 🙂 I’m such a bad mom…

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